Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Plenty of criminals contesting in UP Elections-Eenadu-6.2.12

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Communism cannot solve all the economic problems says “Fidel Castro” –Eenadu –6.2.12

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VHP sees red over beef export pitch – The Pioneer – 9.2.12

A Government recommendation for the 12th Five Year Plan seeking to change the  Export Import (EXIM) policy t o   a l l o w   b  e  e f   e x p  o r  t s   t o improve the  economy of the country has come under criticism from certain quarters that want the  idea withdrawn.  Un d e r   t  h e   M e  a t   a n dc Ab  a t t o i r s   c h a p t e r   o f   the Planning Commission, it states that “There is an existing ban on beef exports; therefore it is necessary to revise the EXIM policy to allow beef export”.
“The report has been submitted by the working group for  the 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 which is more inclined to the slaughtering of animals rather  than protecting them,” said Vinod Bansal, media chief of the Delhi unit of the Vishwa Hindu  Parishad (VHP). The VHP has raised strong objections to the wo r k i n g   g roup   r e p  o r  t   on Animal husbandry & Dairying  for 12th Five Year Plan.    The  international organising secretary general of VHP, Dinesh Chandra advised the UPA Government to withdraw its report to the Planning Commission recommending beef export. “Export of beef will amount to a murder of the Constitution and dharma of the country,” he added. Q u o t i n g   D i r e c t i v e Principles of State Policy’s, u n d e r   A r  t i c l e   4 8   o f   t  h e Constitution, Chandra said that these directives clearly “prohibit the slaughter of cows and calves”. “We can not tolerate slaughtering of cow or its f a m i  l y   a t   a n y   c o s t .   O  u  r Agriculture Ministry is supposed to  protect and promote cows instead of slaughtering it. Father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, our first President Rajendra Prasad, pandit Madan Mo h a n   M a  l v  i y a ,   Swami Vivekanand, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Ram Krishna Paramhans, Goswami Tulsi Dass, Maharshi Valmiki were amongst many social, religious and it is political leaders  who believed in protecting cows. E v e n   L o k m a n y a   B a l Gangadhar Tilak had said that “You may kill me but do not raise your hand on a cow”.
UPA Government should i mm e d i  at e l y   ro l  l  b a  c k   i t  s report, apologise to  the nation and enact a law putting a country-wide ban on cow slaughter,” he added.

Smoking parents raise blood-cancer risk in children-ToI-11.2.12

Washington: Parents-to-be, here’s another reason to kick the butt — smoking can raise your child’s risk of developing leukaemia. 
    A team at Telethon Institute for Child Health Research has found that heavy smoking by parents around the time of conception increases the risk of the child developing Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL), the common form of childhood cancer.
    “We look at prenatal exposures as it has to be something to do with what’s happening before the baby’s born. There’s a plausible biological pathway whereby paternal smoking could contribute to disease risk in the offspring,” lead author Elizabeth Milne said. “The risk of ALL, when compared with dad’s who did not smoke during the year of conception, increased by 35% when fathers smoked more than 15 cigarettes a day.” 

4 BSF men killed in Naxal blast-ToI-11.2.12

2 Sustain Serious Injuries; Narrow Escape For Irrigation Officials

Seeleru (Visakhapatnam): 
Four Border Security Force (BSF) personnel, including a commandant, were killed and two others sustained serious injuries when Maoists triggered an improvised explosive devise (IED) near Chitrakonda close to Seeleru border in Visakhapatnam district on Friday. 
    The security personnel died on the spot in the massive blast at Janniguda main road between Balimela and Chitrakonda, 32 km from here. A Bolero in which they were travelling was mangled after it was tossed up high in the air. The jawans were returning to Malkangiri from Chitrakonda. 
    The guerrillas also opened indiscriminate fire on another vehicle, which was following the Bolero, suspecting it to be a vehicle of jawans. Four officials working in Potteru irrigation project had a narrow escape as they immediately drove back the vehicle and informed the authorities about the incident. 
    Sources said the BSF personnel visited Chitrakonda and the tunnel camp areas en route to Balimela in the afternoon and were returning when the Naxals struck. “The blast was powerful enough to toss-up the big Bolero in the air before hurtling down from a height of 20-feet,” sources said. 
    The deceased have been identified as commandant of 107 battalion Jeevanram Kesavan, his second-in-command Rajesh Soren, inspector Ashok Yadav and assistant sub-inspector and radio operator of the squad Jitendra Singh. The injured jawans were Vishnu Pani and S Kundu. The bodies of deceased personnel and injured were shifted to the Malkangiri government hospital. 
    Police suspect that the blast was the handiwork of Malkangiri division committee. “This was an effort of Maoists to instill confidence among the cadres whose confidence levels have dipped with arrests and surrenders of leaders in the recent months,” a police official said. 
    The Orissa government has been carrying out massive combing operations with the help of BSF jawans in the past few months as the security personnel had unearthed more than 15 dumps of Maoists. The jungles are a naxal hotbed as it touches the borders of two states - Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh - making it a safe corridor for Maoists.

Khurshid drags Sonia into Batla tear-jerker-ToI-11.2.12

New Delhi/Azamgarh: Congress was scrambling for cover after law minister Salman Khurshid said pictures of the Batla House encounter in which two Indian Mujahideen members were shot dead moved Sonia Gandhi to tears despite the minister and the party hastening to clarify the remarks. 
    Khurshid’s comments at a rally in Azamgarh on Thursday evening left Congress red faced and gave opposition BJP just the opening it was looking for at a time when the saffron party is under fire over the “porngate” controversy in Karnataka. BJP promptly demanded Khurshid’s resignation. 
    “Jab hamne wo tasveer unko (Sonia) dikhayee to unke aasu phoot pade (when we showed her the pictures, she began weeping),” TV footage showed Khurshid saying at the Azamgarh rally. 
    Khurshid’s reference to the encounter during an election meeting in Azamgarh in an apparent attempt to woo Muslim voters seems to have backfired as Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh swiftly asserted that that the account of the meeting with Sonia was incorrect. Singh’s clarification is not without irony as he has been at the forefront of demanding a judicial inquiry into the Batla House encounter and has been accused of pandering to minority vote banks.

Morning-after pill? Vending machine comes to college-ToI-9.2.12

    Students at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania can get the ‘morning-after’ pill by sliding $25 into a vending machine, an idea that has drawn the attention of federal regulators and raised questions about how accessible emergency contraception should be. 
    The student health center at Shippensburg, a secluded public institution of 8,300 students tucked between mountain ridges in the Cumberland Valley, provides the Plan B One Step emergency contraceptive in the vending machine along with condoms, decongestants and
 pregnancy tests. 
    “I think it’s great that the school is giving us this option,” junior Chelsea Wehking said on Tuesday. “I’ve heard some kids say they’d be too embarrassed” to go into town and buy Plan B.
    Federal law makes the pill available without a prescription to anyone 17 or older, and the school checked records and found that all current students are that age or older, a spokesman said. It doesn’t appear that any other vending machine in the US dispenses the contraceptive.
    The machine has been in place for about two years, and its existence wasn’t widely known until recently. US Food and Drug Administration’s has taken sudden interest in the system amid a furor over religious rights and access to birth control.
    Alexandra Stern, a professor of history of medicine at University of Michigan, said she wasn’t questioning a woman’s right to have access to Plan B, but whether making it so easily available is a good idea. “It’s part of the general trend that drugs are available without interface with a pharmacist or doctors. This has serious pitfalls.” 

Revolt brews in Cong as ACB liquor raids hit politicians

Mantris, MLAs Up In Arms Against Kiran

Hyderabad: The recent Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) raids on the liquor syndicate is threatening to destabilize the Kiran Kumar Reddy government with about 80 Congress elected representatives including ministers having interests in the liquor business preparing to take on the chief minister over the raids. The development comes in the wake of health minister D L Ravindra Reddy alleging that Kiran Kumar had got the name of a senior minister from the Telangana region removed from the ACB report while allowing the bureau to retain the name of excise minister Mopidevi Venkata Reddy as having taken bribe from the liquor syndicate. 
    Of the 80-odd Congress elected representatives preparing for a showdown with Kiran Kumar Reddy, 6 are said to be ministers in the state cabinet, 9 MPs and 3 MLCs, with the remaining being MLAs. A large delegation from this group called on PCC president Botsa Satyanarayana and Mopidevi Venkata Ramana during the day and all of them were slated to hold a meeting at a three-star hotel in the city late on Thursday to finalise their plan of action. But apprehending media spotlight, a 7-member delegation called on Botsa late in the night who assured them that he will take up the issue with the CM. 
    With the opposition gunning for the resignation of Mopidevi and sure to raise a shindig on it in the ensuing budget session of the assembly, Congress sources said the days of the excise minister are numbered. And in order to counter that, several ministers unhappy with Kiran Kumar are planning to turn the cabinet meeting slated for this week-end into a stormy affair. The ministers who are wanting to take on the CM include deputy chief minister C Damodar Raja Narasimha, Sabita Indra Reddy, D L Ravindra Reddy, K Jana Reddy, S Sailajanath, Galla Aruna Kumari, Mopidevi and PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana. 
Big fish go scot-free 
In the last two months, Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) officials have been on the hot pursuit of liquor mafia across the state, but ironically not a single ‘syndicate member’ has been nabbed in the city. Reason: High political pressure as some ministers themselves are involved in liquor business in the city. As part of the statewide crackdown against liquor syndicate in the past 50 days, ACB officers have so far arrested over 35 people, including several excise officials. Though there are over 200 retail liquor outlets in the city and ongoing probe throwing light on liquor mafia across the state, ACB sleuths have registered just one case against a syndicate member, who is yet to be arrested. 
 Kiran Kumar under fire for ‘shielding’ favourites 
    Spelling further divisions in the Kiran cabinet, health minister Ravindra Reddy alleged that Kiran got the name of a senior minister from Telangana dropped from the ACB report while not doing the same in the case of Mopidevi. “A BC minister is being punished to save a minister belonging to the community of the highest office-holder in the state,” the health minister told the media on Thursday. 
    According to sources, the ACB had charged the Telangana minister with accepting a bribe of Rs 40 lakh from the liquor syndicate. The senior Telangana minister’s name was dropped as a reward for his loyalty to the chief minister even in the thick of the separate state movement, they claimed. Apparently, the fact that the Telangana minister’s name was removed from the ACB report was conveyed by Kiran Kumar to Mopidevi when the latter called on him on Wednesday morning. Mopidevi too was assured that his name would be dropped, but that did not happen and now the excise minister is fighting for his survival, the sources said. Meanwhile, the election affidavit of major and medium irrigation minister P Sudershan Reddy from Nizamabad filed before the 2009 assembly election states that he has major stakes in Sree Venkateshwara Winery and Distilleries and Sree Vinayaka Distillery and Marketing (P) Ltd. While the minister hold 10,488,825 shares in the first company, his wife P Sucharitha has 8,989,625 shares. In the second company, Sudershan Reddy holds no share while the spouse has 3,340,000 shares. 
    In other developments, the YSR Congress on Thursday demanded that the state government table the ACB report in the House during the ensuing Assembly session. “Though only one name has come into the open whatever be the reason, the ACB report has named 20 ministers and 40 MLAs among others for having links with the liquor mafia and all facts will come into the open only if the report is tabled in the House,” it said in a statement.

Guidelines warn mobile users with medical implants-ToI-9.2.12

New Delhi: People with medical implants like pacemakers must not keep their cellphones on their shirt pockets. 
    The latest directive by the department of telecommunication (DoT) says that “people having active medical implants should preferably keep the cellphone at least 15cm away from the implant.” 
    An office memorandum, circulated by the ministry of communications and IT on January 25, says manufacturer’s mobile handset booklets will have to contain the safety precaution. MoS for communications and IT Sachin Pilot said this was one of the recommendations made by the inter-ministerial committee that the DoT has accepted.\“Necessary changes in the design and packaging for compliance with this instruction will have to be in place on or before September 1,” Pilot told TOI. 
    Senior cardiologist at Escorts Heart Research Centre Dr Aparna Jaswal said it is safe for patients with implants to talk on a cellphone, but they must avoid placing it directly over the pacemaker implantation site when the device is turned on. 
    “The pacemaker could misinterpret the cellphone signal as a heartbeat and withhold pacing, producing symptoms such as sudden fatigue. The mobile phone must be kept six inches away from pacemaker site and the patient must talk on the phone from the other ear and not the one close to the site,” Dr Jaswal said. 
    India has over 900 million cellphone users. 
    According to the US FDA, radio frequency energy (RF) from cellphones can interact with pacemakers which are called electromagnetic interference (EMI). If EMI were to occur, it could affect a pacemaker in one of three ways: stopping the device from delivering the stimulating pulses that regulate the heart’s rhythm, cause it to deliver the pulses irregularly or cause the implant to ignore the heart’s own rhythm and deliver pulses at a fixed rate. 
    The memorandum circulated by the ministry says cellphone manufacturers must mention the following: use wireless and hands free systems like headphones with a low power blue tooth emitter, make sure the cellphone has a low Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), keep your calls short or send a text message instead. This advice applies especially to children, adolescents and pregnant women. “Use cellphone when the signal quality is good,” the note says.

Men take note, smoking can make you stupid-ToI-8.2.12

London: Here’s the perfect reason to kick the butt — smoking makes men stupid, say researchers. 
    A new study, published in the archives of General Psychiatry journal’s online edition, has found that smoking is bad for the brain, especially for male smokers, who tend to have a more rapid mental decline than men who do not smoke.
    But the study has not revealed a similar link between smoking and mental decline in female smokers.
    “While we were aware that smoking is a risk factor for lung diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, this study shows also its detrimental effect on cognitive ageing. This detrimental effect is evident as soon as (age) 45,” said lead author Severine Sabia of University College London.
    And it’s not just the packa-day crowd that needs to worry. The so-called social smokers also put their brains at risk whenever they
 light up, the study claims. 
    “Intermittent smokers showed the same cognitive decline as persistent smokers, showing the importance of definitive smoking cessation,” Sabia was quoted by the media as saying.
    The researchers analysed data from nearly 6,000 men and more than 2,100 women who were British civil servants. 

House horror: 2 ministers found surfing porn-ToI-8.2.2012

Opposition In Karnataka Assembly Demand Immediate Resignation Of The Ministers

Bangalore: Television cameras caught two BJP ministers — Lakshman Savdi and C C Patil — allegedly watching porn clips on the former’s cell phone on the floor of the Karnataka legislative assembly on Tuesday. 
    While Savdi holds the cooperation portfolio, Patil is women & child development minister. It is a first for such a legislative low. 
    The ministers were caught in the act even as the House was in the middle of a heated debate on the recent hoisting of Pakistan flag in Sindagi taluk in Bijapur district. 
    Close-ups of the ministers watching the salacious clip were beamed on television channels in the evening and sparked off a furore. 
    The television visuals showed both ministers sitting next to each other, gazing into Savdi’s handset and exchanging banter. 
    Soon after the news hit the airwaves, opposition parties including the Congress leader Siddaramaiah and JD(S) leader YSV Datta demanded resignation of the ministers. 
    Siddaramaiah not only sought his resignation, but also urged the Speaker not to allow Savdi and Patil into the assembly. He said the ministers have been elected by the people and this action is an insult to the people. 
    “Disgraceful… this should not have happened,” said D H Shankaramurthy, chairman of the legislative council, said while asked about his reaction on the incident. 
    As the legislature will be in session till Friday, the issue is expected to generate a lot of heat. 
    After complaints from ruling party legislators, Speaker K G Bopaiah directed cameramen of various news channels to shift to the gallery from the floor of the House. 
    This turned out to be a blessing in disguise for the television crew in capturing the members’ surfing porn. 
K’taka minister embarrasses BJP ahead of UP polls 
    With the Speaker of the BJP-ruled Karnataka assembly ordering a probe into minister Laxman Savadi watching pornography in the House on Tuesday, the party is faced with a big embarrassment ahead of the crucial UP polls. BJP’s national spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said: “In politics it is very important to maintain high moral standards. There should be a probe into the matter, and the party will take cognizance of the matter.” Considering BJP calls itself a “party with a difference”, a senior member and a minister indulging in such frivolous acts comes as a big blow to the party, which has been campaigning against corruption that extends to morality apart from financial graft. That Karnataka government, the party’s first government in the south, has been mired in controversy for long. 

Excise minister Mopidevi part of liquor lobby: ACB-ToI-8.2.12

Hyderabad: In a sensational revelation that nailed the existence of a powerful liquor syndicate in the state, a liquor trader and a key liquor syndicate man in Khammam and Warangal districts told the ACB sleuths that he paid Rs 10 lakh bribe to excise minister Mopidevi Venkata Ramana and that it has become a common practice in the liquor trade to regularly pay bribes to politicians, including those in the opposition and media as well as excise officials. 
    This became public in the remand report of the ACB sleuths from Warangal when they produced liquor dealer Nunna Venkata Ramana before the ACB court in Hyderabad a couple of days ago. In his confessional statement, Venkata Ramana described 
how the tipplers are made to pay more than the maximum retail price (MRP) printed on the liquor bottles. Not only this, he also listed as to how bars and shops are allowed to run beyond the stipulated timings, and much more. 
    According to the remand report, the liquor syndicate collects money from wine shops to pay bribes to several sections in the society, like politicians, excise, police, media etc. ‘Excise minister took bribe’ 
    According to Ramana, Mopidevi, who happens to be the excise minister, took the bribe directly from him and another trader, Babji of Chandra Wines in Khammam, in the presence of Rajababu, a classmate of the minister. 
    Interestingly, accused Ramana is a former RPF constable who left the job in 1991 when the authorities transferred him to Secunderabad from Dornakal in Warnagal and started his new life as a sleeping partner in two wine shops in 1994. Today, he has 29 wine shops in Khammam district. 
    The confession report also carried the names of CPI and CPM leaders who figured as having taken money from the liquor traders. 
    Puvvada Nageswara Rao of CPI took Rs 3 lakh from the accused for his 29 shops. TDP's Sathupalli MLA Venkata Veeraiah got Rs 3 lakh as bribe. M Kavitha, MLA of Mahabubabad of Warangal district got Rs 5 lakh from the liquor syndicate. CPM district secretary of Khammam Sudarshan got Rs 3 lakh and TRS district secretary Rajendar collected Rs 60,000. 
    The accused also poured out several details about how they paid lakhs of rupees as bribes to several officials of the excise department.

‘Sarkozy splurges £10,000 a day on food, owns 121 cars’-ToI-7.2.12

London: French president Nicolas Sarkozy spends £10,000 a day on food and keeps 121 cars at his Elysee Palace, a new book says. 
    In the book titled
 L’argent de l’Etat (Money from the State), socialist MP Rene Dosiere describes what he sees as extraordinary excesses by the French president and accuses Sarkozy of “ignoring the most elementary principles of separation between private and public accounts”, the Daily Mail reported. 
    Sarkozy has cancelled the annual £500,000 palace garden party, but this doesn’t go far enough, according to Dosiere.
    Just last week, he sent a medical team to Ukraine on board a state-owned private jet to attend to one of his sons, Pierre, and fly him back to Paris at the expense of £22,000. His fleet of cars is double the size of predecessor Jacques Chirac’s and cost, annually, £100,000 to insure and a whopping £275,000 to fuel. Then there are his huge
 travel costs. Dosiere claims Sarkozy uses an Airbus A330 — dubbed Air Sarko One — that drained the public purse of £215 million to kit out. 
    Recent excursions include a trip to Saint-Quentin, from Paris, that cost £350,000, a £109,000 sortie to the Lascaux caves with Bruni and a twoand-a-half-hour trip to Ain that cost £700 a minute, says Dosiere. Further, he wrote that Sarkozy never seems to linger anywhere to meet locals and absorb their culture.
    His total annual expenditure comes to £95 million. 

Saeed’s new outfit bodes ill for India-ToI-7.2.12

New Delhi: Hafiz Saeed, chief of Pakistan’s top terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jamaat-ud Dawa (JuD), has re-entered mainstream Pakistani politics in an avatar that may have serious security implications for India, the US and even Pakistan. 
    Saeed’s new quasi-political outfit, Difa-i-Pakistan Council (Pakistan Defence Council), an umbrella organization for more than 40 religious, political, sectarian, jihadi outfits and former intelligence officials, has started out with a with a strongly aggressive narrative against India and the US. 
    Does he have a political future and what would that mean for India? Could it be that somewhere down the line, India might have to engage him? Saeed and LeT has been responsible for numerous terror strikes against India, including the biggest of them all — the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. 
    Indian officials tracking Pakistan closely believe engaging Saeed is not going to be possible for New Delhi, despite Congress party leader Mani Shankar Aiyar sharing aTV discussion with him. 
    Saeed remains very close to the Pakistan army, and in all his years of being Pakistan’s chief jihadi leader, his group has never attacked the interests of the defence establishment. “He continues to live in army guesthouses,” said sources. Even while Tehreek-e-Taliban and al-Qaida organizations were attacking the Pakistan state, LeT persistently focused its attentions on India and the US. 
    Saeed’s rhetoric, said sources, must be persuasive to a country that now regards the US as a top enemy. "The killing of Osama bin Laden is against the sovereignty of Pakistan," he has said. "America has started a war against Pakistan and also attacked our army checkpoints. That’s why all the political parties are here and we are united until America leaves the region," he had reasoned. Saeed has opposed the grant of MFN status to India as well, committing to jihad against India. 
    Saeed lay low for a while after the 26/11 attacks, but no amount of dossiers from India could get him prosecuted in Pakistan, though he is under an international travel ban and an assets freeze. But he can operate freely within Pakistan, which shows the kind of support he can command from the military-security establishment. Recent media reports said about seven banned outfits like Jaishe-Mohammad, Tehreek-i-Islami, Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan, Ghazi Force, Hizbut Tahrir, Jamiatul Furqan, and Khairunissa International Trust have all started reopening bank accounts.

Lifestyle can prevent 30% cancers-ToI-6.2.12

More than 30% of cancers can be prevented by lifestyle changes, the WHO said on Friday, on the eve of World Cancer Day. Among key risk factors for cancer are tobacco and alcohol consumption, a diet low in fruit and vegetable intake and lack of physical activity. “Tobacco use is the most important risk factor for cancer causing 22 percent of global cancer deaths and 71 percent of global lung cancer deaths,” the UN health agency said. Halting tobacco use, for instance, could therefore help cut cancer mortality rates. 

Yuvi has cancer, in US for chemotherapy since Jan-ToI-6.2.12

His Chances Of Recovery Bright, Say Experts

New Delhi: India’s World Cup hero and Man of the Tournament, Yuvraj Singh, has been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy in the United States, his physiotherapist revealed on Sunday. This was corroborated by sources in the family and in the Indian cricket board. 
    Yuvraj had earlier been detected with a tumour between his left lung and heart, which has since been termed malignant. 
    “He is suffering from cancer and this is the first stage. It’s curable and he will be fit to play in May. He will be back on the field very soon,” his physiotherapist Jatin Chaudhary told TOI. BCCI officials, however, said the lay-off could be longer and that chemotherapy was scheduled to continue for nine weeks. 
    Family sources said Yuvi, who has made many comebacks into the Indian team, is determined to overcome the disease. They said the chemo sessions had begun and the cricketer had lost weight. “He is showing the common after-effects of the treatment – loss of appetite and nausea. He is anxious but also keen to fight the ailment,” a family source said. 
Yuvraj has been in the US 
since January 26 for chemotherapy at Cancer Research Institute, Boston 
Tumour in lung detected earlier, now diagnosed as malignant. Doctor says parts of tumour are just above artery of heart, 95% curable 
Physio Jatin Chaudhary says diagnosis delayed till Oct 2011 as first biopsy report was stolen, then an Indian hospital (unnamed) got diagnosis wrong. Finally, a Russian doc detected cancer 
Only player to hit 6 sixes in an over in T20, in Durban (Sept 19, 2007). World record for fastest 50, in just 12 balls 
Man of the tournament in 2011 World Cup with 362 runs, 15 wickets and 4 man of match awards 
    GOING by the line of treatment he is receiving in theUS,doctorsheresaidYuvrajwaslikelysuffering from a rare condition called lung seminoma, in which chances of recovery are more than 95%. This condition is not related to excessive smoking or alcoholism. “He appears to have lung seminoma, a condition in which there is cancerous growth of the size of a golf ball in the organs. It occurs due to genetic predisposition developed during fetal development phase and is relatively rare,” said Dr Anshuman Kumar, surgical oncologist at Dharmshila Cancer Hospital and Research Centre. 
    “The germ cells that cause lung seminoma are responsive to chemotherapy. Normally, we give three-four cycles of chemo to the patient over a period of about three months. In case there is any residual cancerous cell in the body, surgery is opted for,” Dr Kumar said. 
    He added that unlike lung cancer, which occurs in elderly people, lung seminoma affects people in the age group of 15 to 35 years and is usually detected early. The symptoms include breathing difficulty especially on exertion, persistent cough and blood with sputum. 
    Jatin Chaudhary said the cancer was curable. “Doctors had to decide whether to continue medication or go for chemotherapy. But since parts of the tumour are just above the artery of his heart, there was a danger that while running it could burst,” he said. “The doctors decided that he would have to undergo chemotherapy and he travelled to the US on January 26. By the end of March, he would undergo a CT scan and should recover by then,” Chaudhary was quoted as saying in the media. 
    BCCI sources said, if all goes well, Yuvraj would take around six months to come back. This is what the board had told the IPL franchisee during Saturday’s auction in Bangalore, after his team, Pune Warriors, walked out of theevent.SourcessaidBCCIwouldbeartheexpensesfor Yuvraj’streatmentintheUSandhisIPLfranchisee,Sahara India, would release $1.8 million the player would have earned had he played this year’s IPL. For the family, however, these are secondary issues at the moment. Before leaving for the US, Yuvraj’s mother Shabnam Singh had told TOI, “For me, the health of my son is more importantthancricketatthisstage.”TOIhadfirstreported about Yuvraj’s illness on November 27, 2011.

Syria massacres hundreds ahead of UN vote-ToI-5.2.12

Protesters Hit Back At Missions Across The World

Beirut/Munich: Syrian forces killed more than 200 people in an assault on Homs, activists said, the bloodiest day of the 11-month uprising giving sudden urgency to a push for a UN resolution calling for Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to cede power.
    The Arab League, Europe and US leaned hard on Assad’s veto-wielding ally Russia to let Security Council pass a resolution on Saturday backing an Arab call for Assad to transfer powers to a deputy. Moscow, which had initially claimed they would veto the resolution if they found it one sided, said the resolution was not “hopeless”, but it needed to be adjusted to avoid “taking sides in a civil war”.
    French foreign minister Alain Juppe called the killings a “massacre” and a “crime against humanity”. Refering to Moscow, he said any country that blocked UN action would bear a “heavy responsibility in history”.
    After “vigorous” talks between secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, Moscow announced that Lavrov would fly to Syria in three days to meet Assad. Death tolls cited by activists and opposition groups ranged from 237 to 260. Syria denied shelling the area and said Internet video of corpses was staged.
    Tunisia announced it was expelling the Syrian ambassador and revoking recognition of Assad’s government. The head of a committee of parliamentarians from Arab states said Arab countries should expel Syrian ambassadors. As news of the violence spread, Syrians stormed their country’s embassies in Cairo, London and Kuwait, and rallied outside missions in Germany, Greece and US. REUTERS
Assad murdered civilians: Obama
President Barack Obama on Saturday accused the government of Syrian president Assad of murdering civilians in an “unspeakable assault” in Homs, and demanded that Assad step down.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

29.2% of people of A.P. using the dangerous tobacco –Eenadu -1.2.12

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CVC recommends lessons on anti corruption in school curriculum—Eenadu-30.1.12

ÆNFA «uAêª-¹-ÅŒ-åXj ¤Äª¸Ã©Õ 
¤Äª¸½-¬Ç-©-©ðx ¦ðCµ¢ÍéE ®ÔO®Ô ®Ï¤¶Äª½Õq
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Agencies worried ‘Hindu Terror’ tough to prove – The Pioneer -30.1.12 Agencies worried ‘Hindu Terror’ tough to prove – The Pioneer -30.1.12

What could lead to a major e m b a r  r a s s m e n t   f o r   t  h e Centre,  nvestigations into the  much-hyped Hindu terror cases are likely to hit a dead end. The  ases, including blasts at Modasa, Malegaon I and II, Ajmer, Samjhauta Express and Mecca Masjid, in which Swami Aseemanand has been made the main conspirator,  ack  corroborative evidence. The investigators feel the cases may fall flat during trial.  More than five years since investigations started, the probe agencies — CBI, NIA and  state police — are still clueless about those named by Aseemanand. All these co- accused are still absconding. The chargesheets in these cases have been filed on the   basis of Aseemanand’s confessional statement, which he has subsequently denied.  The  NIA needs to gather concrete material evidence to substantiate the alleged conspiracy  and corroborate his statements. Sources said the chargesheets were filed mainly to  revent Aseemanand getting bail.  S ourc e s   s  aid  t h e  NIA, which has been  struggling to collect evidence in the 2006 Malegaon blast case, is likely to quiz some of  he Maharashtra ATS officials who had probed the case. In the light of a confession by  swami Aseemanand before a magistrate, the nine youths arrested by the AntiTerror  quad in 2006 were released on bail recently by the court as the NIA did not oppose the  ame due to lack of evidence against them. The NIA now plans to examine the role of  fficials of M a  h a r a s h t r a   A n t i - Te r  r o r Squad, which had chargesheeted the  ine youths in the case, and re-visit their investigations into the case, official s  o u r c e                                    conspirator and the alleged conspiracy may be there but the co-conspirators of these cases are still at large and the confessional statement under Section 164 of the CrPC  oes not hold any value unless corroborated with material evidence, an investigator  aid.  T h e   o f  f  i c i a l   s  a y s   t  h a t Aseemanand’s confessional statements do  ot hold evidentiary value as he has subsequ e nt  l y   d e n i e d   t  h em  and claimed  hat the same were e x t  r a c  t e d   u n d e r   d u r e s s . No t w i t  h s t  a n d i n g   t      chargesheets filed in the cases, the investigation continues to be open till evidences to  orroborate the allegations are gathered.  So far, the NIA has gathered materials to  rove that similar explosives were used in these blasts and were packed into pipes  rocured from a shop in Indore. The probe agencies are also basing their cases on  rocurement of 21 SIM cards from Faridabad by the accused. The SIM cards have   a    ommon  s  e  r  i e s  of mobile numbers.  Concern has already been expressed at the  ighest levels in the security and intelligence establishment over the failure of the  gencies in cracking the blasts cases. NIA officials admitted that tracing theabsconders  s a challenge as they hold key to corroboration of the allegations made and materials  athered.  Agency officials blamed the failure in gathering evidence inter-State rivalries  n cases where the links stretched to more than one State and loss of crucial time before the federal agency took up the cases for investigation.  The NIA is still  nvestigating the Modasa mosque blast even as the case was registered by the June 29,  010. The allegations include bomb explosions by terrorists at a mosque in the Gujarat  own in Sabarkantha district at 9.25 PM on September 29, 2008. The Gujarat Police  ad  egistered the case on September 30, 2008. The case was registered under Sections 120B (criminal conspiracy), 302 (murder), 307 (attempt to murder), 323 (grievous  njury) of the Indian Penal Code and under relevant sections of Explosives Substances  ct and Bombay Police Act. The agency is yet to file a charge sheet.  The Samjhauta  xpress train blasts case that occurred on February 19, 2007 is being investigated by  IA vide its case number 09/10 and a chargesheet has been filed against accused. But  ittle headway has been made as key accused Amit, alias Ashok, alias Prince, alias  unny, alias Ashwini, alias Ashwini Chauhan, is yet to be arrested. The charges   nclude seditious activity by causing explosions in Samjhauta Express train at Panipat  n Haryana. The case was initially registered by GRP, Karnal on February 19, 2007  nd  he NIA later took it up on July 29, 2010.  The chargesheet has been filed against five  accused persons under Sections 120-B, 302, 307, 324, 326 of the IPC and under  relevant Sections of the Explosive Substances Act and Prevention of Damage of Public  roperty Act and under certain provisions of t h e   Un  l a w f u l   A c  t i v i t i e s Prevention Act.  But the NIA is further probing the matter as per the provisions of the  section 173 (8) of the CrPC with a view to file a supplementary chargesheet detaili n g           o b  o r  at  i v e   e  v  i d e n c e . However, the accused persons are still at large and  the only material is Aseemanand’s statement recorded before a magistrate and commonality of modus operandi, use of explosives and SIM cards of a certain series  f  obile phone numbers in the so-called Hindu terror cases.  In the Mecca Masjid blasts case, a chargesheet was filed by the CBI, and the NIA later on filed a supplementary  harge sheet but without much evidence on record. Likewise, the NIA is yet to trace  he  ccused or gather any s u b s t a n t i v e   m a t e r i a l   i n   t h e Malegaon I and II  lasts case besides the Ajmer blasts case. Chargesheets have been filed but the cases  re  et to move further for want of corroborative evidence.  Key absconders include Ram Chandra Kalsangra, Sandeep Dange, Suresh Nair, Bhavesh Patel, Amit, Mehul and  auyanti Bhai Gohil. NIA has named Naba Ku  m a r   S a r k a r   a  l  i a s   S w  a m  I Aseemanand, Sunil Joshi (now d e  a d ) ,   S a n d e  e p   D  a n g e , Ramchandra  alsangra, Suresh Nair, Bhavesh, Mehul as the key accused in Samjhauta, Ajmer, Malegaon and Mecca Masjid blasts cases in which it has filed chargesheets. 

Cancer, now a lifestyle disease-ToI-4.2.12

India Records 14L New Cases Per Annum

Hyderabad: It’s not cancer that kills anymore. It’s the lifestyle choices people make that does. This World Cancer Day, being observed on February 4, city oncologists put the blame on denizens for inviting the medical condition in most cases. They say cancer is no longer an “unforeseen” ailment in at least 70% cases. It’s the lifestyle of the person that is to blame, much like in the case of diabetes and hypertension. Ironically, the awareness levels among people have improved tremendously, with many going for screenings and tests to rule out cancer. This has also led to early detection and thus cure. Sadly, however, the improved awareness fails to reflect in the lifestyle of people, particularly those who can afford treatment in private hospitals.
    Doctors note that the improved awareness has failed to check the incidence of cancer, which is rising by the day. If MNJ Institute of Oncology is recording 10,000 new cases of cancer every year, the estimated 1,000 beds in city across private cancer hospitals are falling short by the same number to accommodate the burgeoning number of cancer cases. “We have 14 lakh new cases per annum in India, a figure expected to rise by another one lakh by next year. By 2014, cancer
 will be the biggest killer,” says Dr Mohana Vamsy, founder, Omega Hospitals. 
    Of these rising numbers, many cases can be prevented, say doctors. “At least 70% cancers can be dealt with. Only 20% are sudden mutations,” says Dr Vijay Anand Reddy, director, Apollo Cancer Institute. He points out the rising cases of oral and tongue cancers and also that of gastrointestinal cancers. “It’s tobacco, high fat and high salt diet to blame,” Dr Reddy says, also adding that physical exercise missing from people’s routines that is putting them at risk.
    Besides, many of the cancers have a strong relation to obesity. For instance, both breast cancer and colon cancer, obesity is a risk factor. And all that leads to obesity (alcohol, fatty food and lack of exercise) can eventually lead to this condition as well, warn doctors.
    That younger people are walking into cancer hospitals is a matter of concern, doctors say.
Shun use of tobacco
Eat fruits, vegetables rich diet
Reduce intake of alcohol, fat
Make physical exercise a daily routine
Stay active & maintain healthy weight
Safe sexual practices
 Buying a cigarette is like buying a suicide note, says doctor 
    “We never saw colo-rectal cancers among young people. But now owing to the changein thelifestyle andfoodhabits,it’s the young who are adding tothe numbers.
 Now, we see oral cancer cases among young people, with one case in his 20’s,” says Dr Ashwin M Shah, chief oncologist, Kamineni Hospitals. He notes that forms of cancer that were earlier reported among people in their 50’s or 60’s are now getting reported in the 30-40 age group. “The symbols on cigarette packs and warnings on smoking being injurious to health haven’t helped. The use of tobacco among the young is absolutely ridiculous,” says Dr Shah, adding that people buy a suicide note each time they buy acigarette.Dr Vamsy addsthat40%casesof cancer among southIndian men aretobacco related. 
    The predictable side effect of higher incidence of cancer has been the branching out of most major super specialty hospitals into oncology, setting up a dedicated cell or an entirely independent unit
 itself catering to cancer patients. Every major hospital in Hyderabad has an oncologyunit andthere aretwo morehospitalscoming up in Serilingampally andFinancial District. According to health industry sources, both the ventures would be super specialty hospitals but areexpectedtohave a biggishcancer cell. The high-end facilities have translated into better treatment. “In the 1950’s, one of four cases would get cured (of cancer). In the 1980’s it improved to one in three and now the cure rate is 50%. Which means two in four cases (of all forms of cancer put together) are getting cured,” says Dr P S Dattatreya, a senior oncologist. While it’s still rare to cure a stage IV lung cancer, but Hodgkin’s Lymphoma has an 85-90% cure rate, says Dr Dattatreya. With better awareness, in many cases cancer is also being detected early and hence it becomes easier to cure.